Wednesday, January 5, 2022


-in the first block of miracles on this Blog I said miracles for space based around my home 'Smallville'

-like to get them going they might be needed to be set in homes around it

-now I try to do miracles for people's bodies and the environment

-again I use the woman I met at the Hotel lobby looking like Danette Reilly / Fire-Brand

-like DC Comics' JENETTE Kahn is a constant great threat to my life

-like JENETTE REALLY goes up in FIRE

-this sets off these other miracles

-I have avoided doing miracles for DC Comics because stars put it in their work some want to set light to me. And this woman might be saying if I don't do DC miracles she will stop them

-she met me in the lobby of the RALTON Hotel. Like Wonder Girl who really gets burnt. Is featured on the cover of New Teen Titans 8. With the members in a ROTATING picture

-it was partly planned by DC but DANETTE REILLY sounds like DONNA TROY who is Wonder Girl

-I use these miracles to make people STARS

-like she was on the STAIR case. And the rotating segment cover of New Teen Titans 8 looks like STAIRS. And the title of the comic All STAR Squadron

-like my home provided the miracles connected to my home in the first block. These miracles to do with people's bodies come from Kahn's body

-if I met a woman looking like Fire-Brand on a trip I bought a comic with the first appearance of Fire-Brand and Danette sounds like Jenette it might work

-maybe the two blocks of miracles on this Blog will both work without any set up and will both come out

-and the woman like Fire-Brand might be saying I have a 'save relationship'. Like the cover arrow blurb saying Fire-Brand was misprinted without all the words. She might be saying I set up with a man's wife she swapped what he signed. Like the small Hotel room. One day we will the husband, wife and me have to spend every night of our lives in the same bed. ALL Star Squadron like maybe somehow I fathered all of a man's children. And she is maybe the Whore of Babylon like the man's wife had affairs with me

Sunday, March 7, 2021

The 300 Collection

-a miracle for a lot of space

-from my Blog

-the 315 songs on them

-as a channel by minds

-across space

-my logical voice and logical notes

-with videos playing of me having sex with people

-with me maybe the father of half a High School that would work

Saturday, February 13, 2021


-a lot of

-non human sort of life especially but most life

-like all animals, fish , birds

-can will to create the foods

-from my list New Menu 

-in their 'throats' or another body part

-like in a few M&Ms at s time

-the food they like at that moment

-but healthy

-and they act the same way as  the drinks dissolving into liquid in their throats

-they can do this as much as they want to

-there are no bones in the food

-New MenuNew Menu

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The World

-a lot of space

-where outer space is

-like The World cruise ship

-the different penthouse apartments

-plus the same other activities as often spread out

-manned by like the original versions of the Metal Men

-with power

-you need never work

-for non-human looking life

-like fish animals microbes any really non-human life

-their living situation comparable to The World

-is adjusted to suit that creature's body

-for some things and some bodies

-every part of the ship that I can adjust to mean it is like suited for their bodies

-you get looked after as much as you want 

-the Metal Men can form things by will and those are the supplies

-you can teleport to your room or either

-a planet below or your home world

-is like in a different wavelength


-in the first block of miracles on this Blog I said miracles for space based around my home 'Smallville' -like to get them going the...